The Art of War teaches “Know yourself and others”. Just as Bonding… the Art of it, is not accomplished by actions not utilized on self, first. If we are looking to bond with our child, family, or mate, we must first be able to bond with ourselves. Bonding is formed by that indestructible energy that dwells within us.
That indestructible energy can only be accessed through the exposure of errors. “Owning Our Stuff” … will allow us to understand our errors. Shame denies errors, which hinders our ability to Bond. Shame speaks over our empathy and dwarfs our understanding.
Being together, doesn’t require much… “small talk” and comfort food, “smack talking” and playing video games, “gossip” and shopping.
Bonding requires honesty, understanding, empathy and courage… Vulnerability, allows us the access… Vulnerability, is our indestructible energy. It bonds us with ourself and guides us in bonding with our children, family and or mate.